I guess I should mention that I have a lot of links of late but haven't quite had the time to put them up. so some of them are a little outdated. But still worth your while, dammit. therefore, you will still enjoy this photograph, secure in the knowledge that Jean Chretien don't get no respect, nor accents grave and acute. That, by the way, was from Strange Brew, which is very purply and seemingly canadian. oh look, alice's latest entry ought to go over here in fabulousness, what with it having to do with linguistics and all.
Wednesday, February 14, 2001 ::: I just finished reading Ravelstein, which I liked as a book although the characters I found somewhat disturbing in their casual acceptance of conspicuous consumption. Which is not to say that it is not a fascinating read. tangentially, this article features a great part of the debate in which allan bloom was in, the idea of what should be included in the literary canon.
continuing on this thread, I was very pleased to discover learn the New Yorker site has finally been launched. It seems that they have gone the route of New York magazine, choosing to publish some but not all of the articles in the issue for that week. Which seems sensible to me - enough to get people interested and possibly buy subscriptions.
Parrots are apparently living happily in Brooklyn, New York. There was a recent New Yorker article about all this, and some looking around reminded me that there are also wild parrots where I used to live in Chicago. There are also parrots living in Austin and San Francisco, but it seems a little less exotic over there.
Saturday, February 10, 2001 ::: Yurts! Apparently, a new LA trend, dovetailing nicely with the Los Angeles guesthouse, a time-honored tradition among the city's elite, even though it seems most of them are in fact illegal.
recently, I have really really been getting into this stereolab cd. So so catchy. I found myself humming all the songs while walking down the street and being a little embarrassed. but still, really really good. especially tracks 2, 4 and 5.
Wednesday, February 07, 2001 ::: If you feel the need for a poll, gallup has them in spades. all divided up by subject. and they even have international polls, for israeli elections and british attitudes about how the labour party is handling domestics issues. a rich, full-bodied brew of polls.
Thursday, February 01, 2001 ::: so I read this article in today's post about the unusual perfume store that sells perfume that smells like dirt, among other things, and I must say that this is a fabulous idea, because although I do not particularly want to smell like dirt, I think that generally most perfumes smell pretty much the same and that it might be better to smell a little different. and if you want perfume that doesn't smell like perfume, the whole product line is available here, thanks to those ohsohip people over at fashion planet.
It seems that, in the way of everything internet-related these days, pyra is not doing well. I think that perhaps blogger (or pyra or whatever) should go cooperative. If everyone using blogger simply paid some sort of club dues or some such, the costs should be pretty minimal for those involved (tens of thousands of weblogs, right? how much can it be per person?) Anyway, if nonprofit works for national geographic, it could for us.
large numbers of tacky postcards are available here. well, some. Of course, finding tacky postcards is like shooting fish in a barrel. but that would be cruelty to animals while looking at postcards doesn't really hurt anyone.