Sunday, February 25, 2007 ::: since I have a new ipod, I now also have an old one which I have been meaning to use as a storage device. and lifehacker has been kind enough to direct me to some software than can make it all happen seamlessly. lifehacker as also pointed out the less pressingly useful but nonetheless whimsically interesting restaurant choice randomizer known as the wheel of food, which chooses your restaurant from a selection of nearby eateries.
last night we started watching michael gondry's the science of sleep, which is a movie that requires a lot of patience, but has some very fascinating moments. and naturally I had a rather interesting dream last night, in which I had to hand-write my email password over and over again in different handwriting styles (neatly vs messily, with or without little curlicue flourishes, etc.) -- to be handed over to a committee of of jowly middle-aged men for review and record-keeping purposes.